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Food and Beverage Manager

Started Mar 31, 2020

$500 Enroll

Full program description

With Canadian made OTEC training, Food and Beverage Managers learn how to excel at motivating and inspiring others, while becoming efficient at a variety of critical operational tasks. Many managers are promoted to their positions based on experience and providing great service—but does a great staff member a great manager make?


Modules include:

  • Leadership
  • Administration
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Human Resources Management
  • Legislation

Through professional and practical manager training you are supporting your success and building core skills that will be useful in this or any future career.

Take pride in your work; emerit training will help you learn the skills you need to be a successful Food and Beverage Manager. When you complete the certification process, you will be awarded the Tourism Certified Manager (TCM) designation. To get started, select the most convenient training format from the list below.